Buried Treasure on "B" Island | Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates | Cartoons For Kids


Buried Treasure on "B" Island | Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates | Cartoons For Kids with tags cartoons, cartoon, cartoons for kids, b island, letter b, abc pirates, abc cartoons for kids, educational show for kids, cartoons for kids in english, alphabets for kids, super simple, educational videos, for kids, education, learn the alphabet, learn the letter b

Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates arrive at "B" Island where they search for buried treasure! With the help of a map and their new friend Betty the Bee, they discover a hidden chest...but what brilliant treasure do they find? Watch and see!Captain Seasalt and the ABC Pirates follows the adventures of Captain Seasalt and his band of curious shipmates as they explore the 26 islands of the Alphabet Archipelago in search of phonetic treasure. The pirates also learn teamwork and problem-solving skills during their vocabulary-building adventure on the high seas.*****Subscribe for more cartoons http://bit.ly/2t8oyuzWatch Mr. Monkey, Monkey Mechanic http://bit.ly/MMMonkeyMechanicWatch The Bumble Nums http://bit.ly/TheBumbleNumsWatch Carl's Car Wash http://bit.ly/carlscarwashWatch Treetop Family http://bit.ly/TreetopFamily Skyship Entertainment Company 2019