A Fantastic Adventure on "F" Island | Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates | Educational Cartoon


A Fantastic Adventure on "F" Island | Captain Seasalt And The ABC Pirates | Educational Cartoon with tags cartoons for kids, captain seasalt, captain seasalt and the abc pirates, educational cartoons, kids cartoons, super simple cartoons, letter f, abcs show, cartoons, cartoon show for kids, abcs, kids videos, kids, cartoons for children

Captain Seasalt and his ABC Pirates crew go on another fantastic adventure, this time, to F Island! With the help of a few clues that begin with the Letter F, the pirates finally find a hidden chest...but what fabulous treasure do they discover? *****Subscribe for more cartoons http://bit.ly/2t8oyuzWatch Mr. Monkey, Monkey Mechanic http://bit.ly/MMMonkeyMechanicWatch The Bumble Nums http://bit.ly/TheBumbleNumsWatch Carl's Car Wash http://bit.ly/carlscarwashWatch Treetop Family http://bit.ly/TreetopFamily Skyship Entertainment Company 2017