ASL Rhinos for Kids


ASL Rhinos for Kids with tags asl, rhinos for kids, rhinos, what is a rhino, diet of a rhino, what do rhinos eat, where do rhinos live, reading comprehension practice, high interest reading, learn bright, are rhinos dangerous, rhinoceros, rhinoceroses

If you had to guess whether rhinoceroses were carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores, what would you say? Rhinos for Kids will teach you that the answer is herbivores! They have a plant-based diet that consists of grass, leaves, branches, and fruits. Scientists consider the rhino both a browser and a grazer. Grazing refers to when rhinos nibble on grass and other plants on the ground. But they also browse, which means they use their strong lips and teeth to pluck leaves and branches from trees and bushes. You could think of them like the giant lawnmowers of the savanna.

When caring for their little ones, rhino moms are very protective. They use their muscular bodies to keep their babies safe from danger. Baby rhinos, called calves, stay close to their moms. While in their mother's care, they learn how to find food and stay safe in the wild. It's like going to school with their mom as their teacher!

Sadly, many species of rhinoceros are endangered today and at risk of disappearing from the wild forever. This is mainly because of poaching. Poaching (or illegal hunting) has caused a severe decline in rhino populations. Some people hunt them because they believe that rhino horns have unique, almost magical properties, even though no scientific proof of this exists. Conservationists and scientists are working very hard to protect these amazing animals and their habitats to ensure that they continue to positively impact the environment

We hope you and your student(s) enjoyed learning about these marvelous mammals! If you want to learn even more, head over to our website and download one of our many lesson plans about animals, full of activities, worksheets, and more!

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What you will learn in Rhinos for Kids:

0:00 Introduction

0:20 What are rhinos?

1:37 More characteristics

2:37 Caring for the little ones

3:02 Diet of a rhinoceros

4:11 Other interesting facts

5:23 Why rhinos are important to the environment

6:47 Review of the facts

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