ASL Inventions and Inventors


ASL Inventions and Inventors with tags asl, inventions and inventors, inventions, inventors, innovators, what is an invention, what is an inventor, famous inventions, famous inventors, learn bright, social studies

What is an invention? It's something that has never been made before. Inventors are the ones who create inventions! This video for kids shares some cool insights about some common inventions and the famous inventors that made those things. Most inventions are made because people have an idea about something they need but don't already have.

Many historians believe that things like the wheel, knife, and arrow were all created because there was a need for transportation, protection, and hunting respectively. The famous Thomas Edison created the incandescent lightbulb to improve on previous lightbulb designs and make something more affordable. He also invented the phonograph!

Louis Pasteur made some significant breakthroughs in science. He created the process of pasteurization that kills germs and prevents spoilage in food items like milk. Pasteur also developed the vaccines for cholera, anthrax, small pox, and rabies. And the famous Toll House cookie was created by Ruth Graves Wakefield way back in 1938. Her recipe is the one that is still used today.

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