Animal Surprise Eggs with DB Heroes | D Billions Kids Songs
Animal Surprise Eggs with DB Heroes | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, animal surprise eggs with db heroes | d billions kids songs, videos for kids, baby songs, animal surprise eggs with db heroes, animal surprise eggs, surprise eggs, db heroes, heroes, db, surprise, d billions surprise eggs, d billions db heroes, d billions animals, animal songs, surprise eggs song, d billions db, animals song for kΔ±ds, db d billions, for kids
Egg number one,
Egg number two,
Egg number three,
Egg number four.
First blue shark,
Second blue shark,
Third blue shark,
Fourth green croco?!
First blue shark,
Second blue shark,
Third blue shark,
Fourth blue shark!
One shark!
Two sharks!
Three sharks!
Four sharks!
Egg number one,
Egg number two,
Egg number three,
Egg number four.
First green croco,
Second green croco,
Third green croco,
Fourth yellow duck?!
First green croco,
Second green croco,
Third green croco,
Fourth green croco!
One crocodile!
Two crocodiles!
Three crocodiles!
Four crocodiles!
Egg number one,
Egg number two,
Egg number three,
Egg number four.
First yellow duck,
Second yellow duck,
Third yellow duck,
Fourth blue shark?!
First yellow duck,
Second yellow duck,
Third yellow duck,
Fourth yellow duck!
One duck!
Two ducks!
Three ducks!
Four ducks!
#DBillions #numbers #123 #dbheroes #surpiseeggs
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