1 Million Subscribers Give Away!!! Cupcake Kids Club

1 Million Subscribers Give Away!!! Cupcake Kids Club with tags cupcake kids club giveaway, 1million subscriber giveaway, cupcake kids club, lol dolls, hairgoals lol dolls giveaway, cookie swirl c, toy caboodle
Yay! The Cupcake Sqaud is 1 Million times bigger because we just hit 1Million subscribers!!!Thank you sooo for all of the love and support and I appreciate every single one of youMy Giveaway is NOT sponsored by YouTubeGIVE AWAY RULES!1) Subscribe2) Click the thumbs up button (Like)3) MUST HAVE PARENT'S PERMISSION or be 18 years of age (this one is MEGA important)4) INTERNATIONAL (all of the Cupcake Squad can participate from all over the world!)Give away BEGINS January 23, 2019 and ENDS January 28, 2019WINNERS WILL BE CHOSEN January 29, 2019 at RandomGOOD LUCK to everyone!!!Checkout Youtube's Giveaway and Contest Rules!https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/1620498?hl=en