Who will WIN Football World Cup? Monsters or Animals ? | Little BoBo Nursery Rhymes | FlickBox Kids

Who will WIN Football World Cup? Monsters or Animals ? | Little BoBo Nursery Rhymes | FlickBox Kids with tags children songs, songs for kids, nursery rhymes, baby songs, kids songs, preschool learning, kindergarten songs, children rhymes, little bobo rhymes, flickbox studios, kids rhymes, football, foot ball, football scores, fifa, football games for kids, soccer rhymes, football rhymes, monster rhymes, animals rhymes, soccer, football world cup 2018, monster vs animal
Subscribe And Hit The Bell Icon for more new RhymesIt's football world cup fever all around! Watch our animal friends face off furry monsters in a match of a lifetime in the Football Song, from FlickBox Studios! Run, run, fast as you canKick with your feet, no hands!Whoa! Look at the ball goAaaand.....it's a GOAL!Oh no!Dribble, dribble, run, kickPass it, come on, pass it quick!Dribble, dribble, run, kickAaaand.....SCORE! Whoo-hoo!Run, run, fast as you canKick with your feet, no hands!Whoa! Look at the ball goAaaand.....it's a GOAL!Dribble, dribble, run, kickPass it, come on, pass it quick!Dribble, dribble, run, kickAaaand.....SCORE! Yee-haw!