Wash Your Hands Song - STOP the spread of GERMS ! Little BoBo Nursery Rhymes - FlickBox Kids

Wash Your Hands Song - STOP the spread of GERMS ! Little BoBo Nursery Rhymes - FlickBox Kids with tags children songs, songs for kids, nursery rhymes, baby songs, kids songs, preschool learning, kindergarten songs, children rhymes, little bobo rhymes, flickbox studios, kids rhymes, germs on hands for kids, germs nursery rhymes, germs kids video, kidshealth germs
Subscribe And Hit The Bell Icon for more new RhymesGerms are bad and make us sickmake us sick make us sickgerms are bad and make us sick germs make us sick sickGerms can make us cough uff uff uff uff uff uff uff uff germs can make us cough uff uff cough cough uff uff uff (coughing sound)Germs can make us sneeze hachoo germs hachoo germs hachoogerms can make us sneeze hachoo hachoo hachoo (sneezing sound)We should wash & keep us clean wash & clean wash & clean we should wash up & keep us cleanwith a bubbly soap soapUse your hands when you cough cough uff uff cough uuf uff coughuse your hands when you cough cough uff uff cough coughUse your handky when you sneezehachoo hachoouse you rkhanky when you sneezehachoo hachooWe should stay healthy & clean healthy & clean healthy & clean We should healthy & clean always forever