WE FIND MESSAGE in a BOTTLE! Mystery Nest Clues with Floop by HobbyKidsTV

WE FIND MESSAGE in a BOTTLE! Mystery Nest Clues with Floop by HobbyKidsTV with tags adventure, mystery clues, mystery adventure, mystery map, game trixster, message in a bottle, game map, hobbykids, hobbyfamily, hobby kids tv, adventure skit, mystery nest, msytery nest adventure, karate master, agent 55, agent jax
Agent Jax sent us to Red Desert to find the Karate Master. They gave us a journal! This will help with our training? But Game Trixster may be watching us. We find many clues along the way. Which are real? And which are not...pt9---SUBSCRIBE For NEW Shows---http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=HobbyKidsTV---OUR FAVES---ADVENTURES:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZrXd1OzjfRd1fVn17lgVN0aGIANT SURPRISE EGGS: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZoNvpGg-ijs4DlYu2RMSOxoLEARNING:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzDMAGLsSlZo8aAHrPRzVmM_oW_hZtxdO---OUR OTHER HOBBY CHANNELS---HobbyFamilyTV: http://www.youtube.com/user/HobbyKidsVidsHobbyKidsGaming:http://www.youtube.com/user/HobbyGamesTV---FIND US---http://www.Twitter.com/HobbyKidsTVhttps://www.facebook.com/HobbyKidsTV/http://www.HobbyKidsTV.comhttps://www.instagram.com/hobbykidstv/---ABOUT US---In 2012 HobbyKids created our original idea to make giant surprise eggs and toy adventures. Since then weve enjoyed producing shows with learning through creative play. The HobbyKids paved the way in creating unique kid-style adventures while showing kids across the globe how to use their imagination through impromptu play and toy journeys. Thanks for joining us daily as our HobbyFriends!---MUSIC BY---Epidemic SoundAll My DaughtersComing Back for MoreDramatic RiseDangerous wayAudio Blocksbehind-enemy-lines_fJmom1Hukeep-your-wits-about-you_zyeXg-Sudescending-organ-sting-version-1_Gyk_Gyk_A1SOhigh-anxiety_G1sJier_