SECRET MYSTERY SHEDS! Searching for Map Nest Clues by HobbyKidsTV

SECRET MYSTERY SHEDS! Searching for Map Nest Clues by HobbyKidsTV with tags mystery sheds, mystery boxes, shed, shed surprises, mystery adventure, clues, mystery clues, map nest, nest map, map clues, nest clues, nest monster, pond monster, mystery monster, monster footage, hobbykids, hobbykids mystery, hobbykidstv, secret sheds, secret clues
Still in search for the next map clue! We find secret sheds in hopes to figure out what these mystery nests could be. DrGold left us some golden items on the last episode.. but why? What is he up to... SUBSCRIBE to find out. ---SUBSCRIBE For NEW Shows--- FAVES---ADVENTURES: SURPRISE EGGS: OTHER HOBBY CHANNELS---HobbyFamilyTV: US--- US---In 2012 HobbyKids created our original idea to make giant surprise eggs and toy adventures. Since then weve enjoyed producing shows with learning through creative play. The HobbyKids paved the way in creating unique kid-style adventures while showing kids across the globe how to use their imagination through impromptu play and toy journeys. Thanks for joining us daily as our HobbyFriends!---MUSIC BY---Epidemic Sound