Walk In The Snow Song With Matt | Action Song for Children | Learn English Kids

Walk In The Snow Song With Matt | Action Song for Children | Learn English Kids with tags winter song, snow song, kids songs, kids music, wild animals, animal sounds, polar bear, matt, dreamenglishkids, dreamenglish, fun, funny, esl, efl, kids show, kids tv, preschool, kindergarten, music, aprenda inglés para niños, apprendre l'anglais pour les enfants, 子供のための英語を学ぶ, play doh, clay animaion, claymation
Join Matt in this fun walk through the snow! Matt sees some footprints in the snow, and wonders what they could be? It could be from a wild animal! Oh, no! Be careful. Learn some fun baby animal names along the walk and see real footage of a kitty (baby cat) and puppy (baby dog) and a polar bear. Is there a surprise at the end for Matt? Let's see!Song Lyrics:I'm walking in the snowI'm walking in the snowI'm a little bit scared because I don't knowWhat are those footprints in the snow?I hear something, Ahhh!It's a cute little kitty(repeat above with cute little puppy, cute little bird, and polar bear)Original Song written and recorded by Matt. Song and video copyright Dream English.Visit www.dreamenglish.com to download over 100 Free Song MP3s for learning English