Vlad and Niki Useful stories about taking care of your health and rules for kids


Vlad and Niki Useful stories about taking care of your health and rules for kids with tags vlad, niki, vlad and niki, kids, kids playing, toys, kids toys, video for kids, kids stories, chris


This video featured products that Vlad and Niki helped to create.

Vlad and Niki Podcast Adventures:

Vlad and Niki Useful stories about taking care of your health and rules for kids.

00:21 Chris and Mom show how important it is to Wash your Hands

04:06 Sink or Float with Vlad and Niki

09:26 Niki learns how important to take care of your teeth

13:18 The safety rules in the pool

17:28 Wash Your Hands story

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