The wheels on the bus song for children Learn color with Baby Nursery Rhymes Song Mother Goose Club


The wheels on the bus song for children Learn color with Baby Nursery Rhymes Song Mother Goose Club with tags wheels on the bus, mothergooseclub, mother goose, traugmacsev, kids, song, collection, compilation, nursery rhymes, rhymes, itsy bitsy spider, songs for kids, rhymes for kids, songs for babies, animal sound song, toddler, bad baby, bad kids, bad kid, baby songs, learn colors, for kids, kids songs, learn colors with, nursery rhyme, baby doll, baby, learn, colors, songs, rhyme, songs for children, rhymes for children, children songs, children rhymes, preschool, toddlers, colours

Watch "Rhyme With Us!" our videos and songs! for videos and activities!Looking for lyrics? Turn on closed captions to sing along!Big thanks to all of our fans out there, big and small!Traditional. Arranged and adapted by Sockeye Media LLC 2015. All rights reserved.Track List:The Wheels on the BusFive Little MonkeysSoccer RockerPlanting SongRockin' RobotThis Old ManABC Song with Eep the MouseJack Be NimbleThree Little KittensThree Little KittensThis Little PiggyThis Little PiggyHickory, Dickory, DockHead, Shoulders, Knees and ToesHere We Go Looby LooTo Market, to MarketThis Little PiggyHickety PicketyEensy Weensy SpiderLittle Boy BlueIf Youre Happy and You Know ItFive Little MonkeysClap Your HandsWhere Is Thumbkin?Head, Shoulders, Knees and ToesTwinkle Twinkle Little StarLittle Bo PeepThree Little KittensTeddy Bear, Teddy BearThere Was a Crooked ManA Sailor Went to SeaTen Little DinosaursBuckle My ShoeThis Is the WayThere Was a Little TurtleNavidad, NavidadLittle Jack HornerTwelve Days of ChristmasAuld Lang Syne ABC SongHello FriendABC SongPeter PiperABC SongPeek-a-BooOne, Two, Three, Four, FiveRoly PolyMary Had a Little LambRainbow, Rainbow-~-~~-~~~-~~-~-Please watch: "Nursery Rhymes for Kids by Mother Goose Club | Driving in My Car + Road Trip Adventure Baby Songs"