The Three Little Pigs + More Fun Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song | Gracie’s Corner Compilation


The Three Little Pigs + More Fun Nursery Rhymes and Kids Song | Gracie’s Corner Compilation with tags three little pigs, gracies corner, gracies corner compilation, nursery rhymes

The Three Little Pigs is a classic story that teaches a valuable moral. Come enjoy this and other fun nursery rhymes and kids songs from Gracie's Corner in this 30-minute compilation video.

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Nope… Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin

Nope… Not by the hair on my chin

My chinny chin chin

Once upon a time

There were three little pigs

Who grow up and moved away from home.

Each one of them went their separate way

And began to build a house on their own.

One pig built his house out of straw

(Out of straw)

The other pig built his house out of sticks.

(Out of sticks)

They both finished fast and began to play

While the last pig made his house out of bricks.

Well the very next day

Came the big bad wolf

Who was hungry and was ready to eat.

He saw the first pig in the house of straw

And said “I’ve found me a real nice treat”

Then he said…

Little pig, little pig let me in.

Nope… Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin

Little pig, little pig let me in.

Nope… Not by the hair on my chin

My chinny chin chin

Okay, I’ll huff and puff

I’ll huff and puff

I’ll huff and blow your house down

Okay, he huffed and puffed

He huffed and puffed

He huffed and he blew the house down.

Run, run

Have to get away quick

The little pig joined his brother in the house made of sticks.

Then the big bad wolf came knocking again

Looking for a little snack

His teeth were sharp as a pin.

He said…

Little pig, little pig let me in

Nope… Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin

Little pig, little pig let me in

Nope… Not by the hair on my chin

My chinny chin chin

Okay, I’ll huff and puff

I’ll huff and puff

I’ll huff and blow your house down

Okay, he huffed and puffed

He huffed and puffed

He huffed and he blew the house down

Run, run

Have to get away quick

The two pigs joined their brother in the house made of bricks

Then the big bad wolf came knocking again

This time he was sure the chase would come to an end.

He said…

Little pig, little pig let me in.

Nope… Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin

Little pig, little pig let me in.

Nope… Not by the hair on my chin

My chinny chin chin

Okay, I’ll huff and puff

I’ll huff and puff

I’ll huff and blow your house down.

Okay, he huffed and puffed

He huffed and puffed

He huffed but couldn’t blow the house down.

Hooray, the bad wolf went away

And I think we all learned a great lesson today.

Work hard, don’t quit

No matter what others say

And when you’re all done

Have fun and go play.

#graciescorner #threelittlepigs #kidssong