Elephant Song | An Original Song by Gracie’s Corner | Nursery Rhymes + Kids Songs


Elephant Song | An Original Song by Gracie’s Corner | Nursery Rhymes + Kids Songs with tags gracies corner, gracie corner, elephant song, stump like an elephant, kids songs

Elephant Song is an original song by Gracie's Corner, which encourages kids to get up and move their body like an elephant. Come join Gracie and her family as they go on an adventure to explore the great outdoors and groove with the elephants!

For free learning activities and Gracie's Corner merch, visit www.GraciesCornerTV.com.


Like an elephant

Like, like an elephant

Can you move

Like an elephant

Move your body like an elephant

Eenie meenie minie moe

Take big steps like an elephant


Lift your feet high

Then bring them down low

Stump like an elephant

Show me what you know

Stump, stump, stump, stump, stump, stump

Like an elephant


Stump, stump, stump, stump, stump, stump

Like an elephant

Now take a big step to the left

(To the left)

Take a big step to the right

(To the right)

This is how to move like the elephants do

Keep moving keep grooving all night

Oh oh oh

Like an elephant

Like, like elephant

Can you move

Like an elephant

Move your body like an elephant

Like an elephant

Like, like elephant

Can you move

Like an elephant

Move your body like an elephant

Now blow

Make a trumpet sound

Pretend your arm is a trunk

Swing it round and round

Swing it to the left

Swing it to the right

Swing it to the left

Swing it to the right

Freeze, time to switch gears

Use your hands to make elephant ears

Now wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your ears

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle your ears

Stump, stump, stump, stump, stump, stump

Like an elephant


Stump, stump, stump, stump, stump, stump

Like an elephant

Now take a big step to the left

(To the left)

Take a big step to the right

(To the right)

This is how to move like the elephants do

Keep moving keep grooving all night

Oh oh oh

Like an elephant

Like, like elephant

Can you move

Like an elephant

Move your body like an elephant

Like an elephant

Like, like elephant

Can you move

Like an elephant

Move your body like an elephant

#graciescorner #elephantsong #kidssong