The Mine Adventure With Shawn the Train and Team | Train Videos For Children

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The Mine Adventure With Shawn the Train and Team - In Search of Crystals and Friendship Shawn the Train and his friend Speedy go to an abandoned mine to search for glowing crystals. During their adventure they meet a new friend, Gus, and discover that there are more important things in life than gems and stones.THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!Follow us on Facebook us on Google+ 2017, Adventures with Shawn the Train and Team, Episode 1 2017, coilbook | Learning is easy when it's fun!Soundtracks are licensed by coilbookStock media provided by [Soundwiz]/ Pond5.comStock media provided by [Lynnepublishing]/ Pond5.comStock media provided by [Elvele]/ Pond5.comStock media provided by [Musicalsolutions]/ Pond5.comStock media provided by [Ebunny]/ Pond5.comStock media provided by [Scoreweaver]/ Pond5.comStock media provided by [Filmcomposer79]/ Pond5.comStock media provided by [Christiana]/