The Number Adventure (SPANISH) - Aprende los nmeros en la fbrica de trenes - Parte 2

The Number Adventure (SPANISH) - Aprende los nmeros en la fbrica de trenes - Parte 2 with tags learn numbers in spanish, español, aprender español, learn numbers, learn to count, aprender a contar, aprende los números, shawn, speedy, rusty, j-1000, para los niños, for toddlers, for kids, for children, school, count in spanish, 1-10, aventura de números, meet shan's team, conoce al equipo de shawn, arriving at the factory, counting, train, number train, spanish train, coilbook, icoilbook, fun, educational, cartoon, 3d, animation, friends, team, part 2
Conoce al equipo de Shawn - Aprende los nmeros en la fbrica de trenes - Parte 2nete a la sorprendente aventura de nmeros en la fbrica de trenes con Shawn y el equipo en donde el personaje principal eres T, el espectador! Luego de llegar a la fbrica, Shawn te presentar el equipo; dentro de la fbrica aprenders a contar y construir/reparar trenes al mismo tiempo. Despus Shawn te mostrar la estacin secreta #5 y conocers un nuevo prototipo de tren, el J-1000. Se activar accidentalmente y Rusty el Robot vendr al rescate!Part 2 of 3 - Meet Shawn's Team, Introduction to Numbers.Number Adventure at the Train Factory! Join the amazing number adventure at the train factory with Shawn and Team where the main character is YOU - the viewer! After arriving at the factory Shawn will introduce you to the team; inside the factory you will learn to count and build/fix trains at the same time. Then Shawn will show you the secret Station #5 and you will meet a new prototype train J-1000. It will accidentally get launched and Rusty the Robot will come to the rescue!Numbers are repeated MANY times, in different scenarios, by different characters, in order and backwards to help your child learn them faster. Numbers are visually displayed as digits and words. THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!Follow us on Google+ us on Facebook 2014, Shawn and Team Series, Spanish, Episode 4, Part 2. 2014, coilbook | Learning is easy when it's fun!, iCoilbook | coilbook international, coildot