The Gateway Arch for Kids | Homeschool Pop

The Gateway Arch for Kids | Homeschool Pop with tags gateway arch, gateway arch for kids, st. louis for kids, st. louis
00:00 Where is the Gateway Arch?
0:32 How tall is the Gateway Arch?
1:05 What is the Gateway Arch made of?
1:44 The Gateway Arch is along what river?
2:18 The History of the Gateway Arch
3:38 What does the Gateway Arch signify?
3:55 Gateway Arch National Park
5:44 My favorite Gateway Arch fact!
6:50 Final Gateway Arch review
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Photo credits:
Louisiana Purchase map
William Morris
Projection: USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Conic (EPSG:102003)
Gateway Arch National Park Gardens Photo:
Garden with Gateway Arch - St. Louis - Missouri - USA
Adam Jones from Kelowna, BC, Canada
6 May 2018
Tram photo:
St. Louis Gateway Arch Tram - panoramio.jpg
By Nan Palmero, MBA
Observation Deck photo:
STL Gateway arch observation deck.jpg
Observation deck on top of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO
Daniel Schwen
View from Observation Deck
View of the Gateway Arch from the Observation Area. In order to get this photo, I had to shoot almost sideways out of the center window.
Own work. Starkin (talk). 29 November 2009
Music credits:
Future Cha Cha by Kevin MacLeod
Vivacity by Kevin MacLeod
Magic Scout- Cottages by Kevin MacLeod
Odyssey by Kevin MacLeod
Laserpack by Kevin MacLeod
Digital Lemonade by Kevin MacLeod
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"Homeschool Pop"