Consonants and Vowels for Kids | Homeschool Pop


Consonants and Vowels for Kids | Homeschool Pop with tags consonants and vowels, consonants and vowels for kids, homeschool pop consonants and vowels, consonant and vowel lesson, vowels for kids

00:00 What are consonants and vowels?

1:06 Two facts about consonants and vowels

2:41 A fun vowel chant

4:18 Examples of vowels in action

6:55 When is "y" a vowel?

10:09 Consonant and Vowel Review Game

Music credits:

Getting it Done; Fantasia Fantasia; Sunflower Dance Party; Electrodoodle; Doobly Doo; EDM Detection Mode, Magic Scout: Farm; Rising Tide; Ancient Mystery Waltz Presto; Moonlight Beach; Wholesome; Tech Live; Neon Laser Horizon; Son of a Rocket by Kevin MacLeod

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