Fun Spanish Lessons for Kids | Homeschool Pop


Fun Spanish Lessons for Kids | Homeschool Pop with tags fun spanish lessons, spanish lessons for kids, fun spanish for kids, spanish for kids, homeschool pop spanish

00:00 Introduction

0:34 Colors

12:19 The seasons of the year

18:19 Farm animals

28:37 Sea creatures

38:17 Plants

Music credits:

Sardana; Pinball Spring; Limit 70; Rising Tide; Son of a Rocket; Mellowtron; Chipper Doodle; Journey to Ascend; Screen Saver; Sincerely; Blippy Trance; Aerosol of my Love; Voltaic; Teddy Bear Waltz; Getting it Done; Laserpack; Strength of the Titans; Moonlight Beach; Still Pickin; Magic Scout-Farm; Winter Reflections; Funin and Sunin; Aitech; Wepa; Electro Caballo; Accralate; Del Rio Bravo; EDM Detection Mode; Fuzzball Parade; Angel Share; Rocket; Cloud Dancer

by Kevin MacLeod

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"Homeschool Pop"