β€œThe DJ Says!” πŸŽ€πŸ•Ί DJ Raphi Exercise Song For Kids | Dance Game (not mirrored)


β€œThe DJ Says!” πŸŽ€πŸ•Ί DJ Raphi Exercise Song For Kids | Dance Game (not mirrored) with tags dj says, dj raphi, dance game, exercise song for kids, simon says, music game, simon says song, simon says for kids, simon says game, game for kids, song for kids, kids game, circle time, dance songs, action song, dance songs for kids, simon says for toddlers, simons says for kindergarten, action songs for toddlers, action songs, preschool movement songs, toddler dance songs, dance party songs, brain break, toddler songs, dance game, kids song, nursery rhymes

Let's play the DJ Says game with DJ Raphi!

So listen carefully and join along! This action-packed song is the perfect activity to do during a brain break. What an awesome way for students to expend their excess energy! This activity also helps your preschooler develop motor skills, listening skills, and social-emotional skills.Enjoy!

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Let's do the DJ says

When I say 'the dj says hop'

You hop

But if I don't say the dj says,

You don't.

Let's gooo

The DJ Says Put your hands up

The DJ says put your hands down

The DJ says Hop right

The DJ says Hop left

Hop Right

Hop Left

Ahhhhh ok so

Who hopped?


Let’s try again!

You ready?

The DJ Says Shake your right Arm

The DJ says Shake Your left Arm

The DJ says Shake your right Leg

Shake your left Leg

The DJ says Shake your left leg

The DJ says Clap Once

The DJ says Clap Twice

The DJ says Jump and Clap

Now Clap and Jump


Let’s try again!

You ready?

The DJ Says Criss Cross

The DJ says Criss Cross

Now Turn around

Then jump!

Now Turn around then Jump!

I said The DJ says

Now Turn around then Jump!

The DJ Says Get Low

Get Up

The DJ says Get Up

The DJ says Hop Right

The DJ says Hop Left

The DJ Says to spin

and hands up….

The DJ Says Do the shuffle dance

The DJ Says Do the shuffle dance

The DJ Says Freeze!

and Jump and Hop and do the wave

The DJ says Jump

The DJ says Wave

The DJ says Jump and wave

And now, You are the DJ!

You choose the movements.




Keep on Dancing with DJ Raphi!

Here's a few of our other most popular Dance songs:

β€’ Party Freeze Dance Song

πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ Watch "Old MacDonald" with DJ Raphi here:

πŸ‘• For Official Merch From β€œDJ Raphi” visit:

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Assistant Choreography: Yakir Abelow

Studio: DJ Raphi's Studio (Tadmit) Jerusalem, Israel

Music Production by


Production manager

Harel Pogoda

Β© 2024 Premium Entertainment LTD. All Rights Reserved.

#kidssong #simonsays #danceworkout