The complicated sex lives of pandas - Lucy Cooke

The complicated sex lives of pandas - Lucy Cooke with tags pandas, panda, panda bear, panda reproduction, animal reproduction, su lin, mei mei, mei lan, zoo, captivity, breeding, breeding pandas, animals, animal kingdom, animal behavior, procreation, procreate, breeding season, nature, natural environment, science, biology, teded animals, education, animation, lucy cooke, keegan thornhill, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education
Uncover the most common misperceptions about pandas, and find out why it's so difficult for them to breed in captivity.
In the 1930’s, a grand panda drama unfolded at the Chicago Zoo. Zookeepers procured a female panda named Mei Mei, and they were determined to find her a mate. They found a prospective suitor named Mei Lan, and the public eagerly awaited the patter of tiny panda paws. But the wait dragged on... and on. Why weren’t the bears breeding? Lucy Cooke shares common misperceptions about pandas.
Lesson by Lucy Cooke, directed by Keegan Thornhill.
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