THE COMMANDER 4: Saving Ace! SHK Nerf Action Movie

THE COMMANDER 4: Saving Ace! SHK Nerf Action Movie with tags the commander, nerf, nerf action, nerf battle, king kong, gorilla, gorillas, gorilla costume, king kong toy, toys, boss, big boss, ask nicely, share, character traits, kindness, sharing, superherokids, superhero kids, super hero kids, shk, shk family, noah, hope, zane, eden, fun, funny, skits, videos, commander, nerf war, ace, nerf dog, ball, launcher, tennis ball, blaster, nerf blaster, team work, kids, battle, comic, comics, in real life, irl
When little brother Miles wants a dessert like his big brother Noah, he forgets to ask nicely and just takes the dessert all for himself! Noah's imagination takes him into "The Commander's Nerf Action World" where he and his team of Commandos, Gorillas Ace and Jones, work together as a team to recover the dessert that was unjustly taken. But the Big Boss isn't going to give up so easily and turns Ace into King Kong! The Commander realizes that saving his friend is more important than recovering the dessert and battles the big boss! In the end Miles learns to ask nicely and Noah sets a good example of kindness by sharing his dessert.Shop for SuperHeroKids t-shirts here us on instagram @superherokids7 everyone who buys an SHK t-shirt and posts a picture of themselves wearing it on Instagram, tagging @superherokids7 will receive a free SHK Hero Bag!