Skip Counting for Kids | Count by 2 through 12 and by 25 | Rock 'N Learn

Skip Counting for Kids | Count by 2 through 12 and by 25 | Rock 'N Learn with tags skip counting song, skip counting by 2, skip counting by 5, skip counting songs, skip counting by 3, skip counting by 10, skip counting by 5s, skip count, skip counting by 4
Learning to skip count is a fun and useful skill to help develop number sense. When students begin to notice numerical patterns, they start making generalizations about how numbers work. Their computational skills benefit greatly. Skip counting is especially helpful for understanding and performing multiplication. As kids learn to skip count by rote, they eventually see how the concept relates to real-life math. Learn to skip count by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 25. Students see real objects depicting each group as they practice and gradually build speed. A number line at the bottom of the screen clearly shows how this concept works, with the number being counted highlighted. Kids follow along, have fun, and learn. Developed along with classroom teachers to boost math skills.
00:00 Skip count by twos (wheels on a bicycle)
00:55 Skip count by threes (sides on a triangle)
02:20 Skip count by fours (tires on a car)
03:47 Skip count by fives (fingers)
04:36 Skip count by sixes (cans in each pack)
06:02 Skip count by sevens (days in a week)
07:40 Skip count by eights (crayons in a pack)
09:18 Skip count by nines (spaces in tic-tac-toe)
10:46 Skip count by tens (cents for each dime)
11:43 Skip count by elevens (players on a soccer team)
13:14 Skip count by twelves (eggs in a carton)
14:51 Skip count by twenty-fives (cents for each quarter)