Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Red-Headed League - Alex Rosenthal


Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Red-Headed League - Alex Rosenthal with tags sherlock, sherlock holmes, watson, detective, red-headed league, red headed league, sherlock case, arthur conan doyle, red heads, robbery, bank robbery, jabez wilson, vincent spaulding, spaulding, duncan ross, baker street, sherlock mystery, the strand, strand, john clay, sherlock solves, sherlock case solution, mysteries, literature, classic literature, education, animation, alex rosenthal, skirmanta jakaitė, art shot, ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education


One day in the fall, you called upon your friend, Sherlock Holmes, and found him in conversation with Jabez Wilson. Wilson had been working for the mysterious League of Red-Headed Men. Today, he arrived at work to find the group had disappeared, and now turns to Holmes to make sense of the events. Follow the detective and see if you can solve this adaptation of one of Sherlock’s most famous cases.

Lesson by Alex Rosenthal, directed by Skirmanta Jakaitė, Art Shot.

This video made possible in collaboration with Audible

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