Rojito el caballo - Cancin para nios. (Patty Shukla)

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Rojito el caballo - Cancin para nios. Haga clic aqu para comprar: New recorded version. FREE SONG DOWNLOAD un caballito marrn,le gustaba correr y correr,al final de la carrrera,segua corriendo ms.CORO: Al paso,al trote,al galope,al galope, galope, galope (repetir)Se llamaba Rojito.Era un pura sangre.Y cuando se entrenaba,corra sin dormir.COROLa carrrera ms importante,segn Pap la Copa Mijas,es este domingo.Los caballitos estn prontos.Prontos, listos, ya!En la fila,pero Rojito los pas,la carrera gan.CORORojito pasa psalosRojito pasa psalos,Rojito pasa psalos!Viva Rojito!Patty Shukla's all original CDs, DVDs and Apps are fun, educational, action and story songs for children. (Best for ages 8 years old and under) For a complete list of Patty's music and upcoming shows, please visit her website: Please SUBSCRIBE for more videos: action songs by Patty, click here: More cartoon songs by Patty, click here: DVDS, 6 CDS & Apps YOUTUBE CHANNELS:MAIN CHANNEL: CHANNEL: you for watching! To PURCHASE Patty's music, click this link: http://www.PattyShuklaKidsMusic.comTo SHARE Patty's music channel, copy and paste this link: Song written and performed by Patty Shukla and Neel Shukla. Exclusive world wide distribution rights to this recording and video owned by Patty Shukla and Shukla Music, LLC