Duck Duck Goose Game (Official Video) The Duck Song | Chase Game by Patty Shukla


Duck Duck Goose Game (Official Video) The Duck Song | Chase Game by Patty Shukla with tags duck duck goose, duck duck goose game, duck duck goose song, patty shukla, patty shukla playlist, games for kids

Game Rules:

Duck Duck Goose: A group of players sits in a circle, facing inward, while another player, who is "it", walks around tapping or pointing to each player in turn, calling each a "duck" until finally calling one a "goose", which designates the chosen player as the chaser. The chaser (goose) then stands and tries to tag the chasee (it), while the chasee tries to return to and sit where the chaser had been sitting before. If the chasee (it) succeeds, the chaser (goose) becomes the chasee and the process begins again. If the chaser (goose) tags the chasee (it), the chaser (goose) may return to their previous spot and the original chasee (it) restarts the process.[1]

Duck, duck, goose,

run run run run run round and round we go

run run run run

fast not slow

sit down in the spot

and if you get tagged before sitting the goose your not

#duckduckgoose #shortvideo #short #Shorts #ducksong