Play Kids Game with Steve and Maggie | Best Stories for Kids of 2021 | Speak with Wow English TV

Play Kids Game with Steve and Maggie | Best Stories for Kids of 2021 | Speak with Wow English TV with tags steve and maggie, magic english, happy halloween, english stories for children, stories for children, english for kids, english for children, maggie and steve, learn english kids, wow english, halloween trick or treat, cartoon story, halloween for kids, learn english, english stories for kids, short stories for kids, story for kids, kids stories, halloween costumes, halloween decorations, speak english, learn english speaking, stories for kids, board game, dragon
Best of 2021 with Steve and Maggie. Another year is nearly behind us. Can you remember all the adventures of Steve and Maggie in 2021? Let's remember some of them but first let´s start with a fully new video. What do you think, will shrinked Steve win the board game and get out of the game plan? And do you remember how Maggie tried to get Steve to eat healthily? Then there are some Halloween stories and songs. Are you scared? Steve and Maggie really love playgrounds, so they have visited a lots of them. And there is much more! So let's jump into this huge English compilation for children with Steve and Maggie. HAVE FUN and learn English! Speak and Learn with Steve and Maggie!
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