Halloween Old MacDonald Haunted House from Steve and Maggie | Kids Stories by Wow English TV


Halloween Old MacDonald Haunted House from Steve and Maggie | Kids Stories by Wow English TV with tags steve and maggie, halloween, wow english tv, haunted house, halloween story, halloween songs, halloween 2021, happy halloween, halloween rhymes, learning english, kids halloween songs, stories for kids, halloween for kids, halloween party, stories for children, learn english speaking, english stories for children, maggie and steve, english stories for kids, kids short stories, english for kids, english for children, learn english kids, learn english, halloween cartoons

Steve and Maggie are going into Old MacDonald's Haunted House. But Maggie is scared. You are not scared, right? Steve is not frightened, he knows it's only Maggie playing tricks on him. Yeah! Don't be silly. Let's be Super Brave! Uh oh, there are some strange noises coming out of the Old MacDonald's Haunted House. What can it be? Oh no! There are Halloween ghosts, Halloween monsters, Halloween zombies and Halloween witches everywhere. Wow! So many Halloween creatures. But don't worry it's only Maggie and her naughty naughty friends. HAVE FUN and learn Halloween English vocabulary with Steve and Maggie!












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