Halloween Trick or Treat, Finger Family Song, Hide and Seek from Steve and Maggie | Wow English TV

Halloween Trick or Treat, Finger Family Song, Hide and Seek from Steve and Maggie | Wow English TV with tags halloween, happy halloween, halloween for kids, steve and maggie, english stories for kids, trick or treat, halloween finger family, learning english, speak english, halloween hide and seek, halloween trick or treat, learn english speaking, halloween 2020, english stories, english speaking, stories for kids, stories for children, halloween nursery rhymes, english for children, english stories for children, english language learn, magic english, halloween songs, steve, maggie
It's Halloween again, but it's always Happy Halloween with Steve and Maggie. Let's play Halloween Hide and Seek with Steve and some trick-or-treaters. Can you find them in Steve's house? Where are they hiding and what are they wearing? What do you plan to wear this Halloween? Do you like trick or treat? Next, Steve's playing his favourite Halloween Finger Family game. Can you find all the monsters in Steve's garden? How many of them are there? Steve repeats words such as a skeleton, a zombie, a vampire, a witch and a ghost. HAPPY HALLOWEEN with Steve and Maggie!
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