Piano Lesson: Why is Left hand (bass clef) harder to play?

Piano Lesson: Why is Left hand (bass clef) harder to play? with tags piano, piano lesson, how to play piano, piano level 1, easy piano, piano bass clef, piano left hand, bass clef notes on piano, how to improve my left hand in piano, piano lessons, adult piano, piano tips, piano tips for intermediate piano players, improve piano skills, piano teacher, online piano lesson, all cows eat grass, piano sayings
Have you struggled with playing the piano with your left hand (bass clef)? In this first episode of "Ask a Piano Teacher" I will be explaining 6 reasons why it's harder to play the piano with your left hand, plus I'll give you helpful tips to become a better piano player.
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Pexels.com: cottonbro, Mikhail Nilov, Altea Alessandroni, Tima Miroshnichenko, & Charles Parker