Old MacDonald Had a Farm | + More Kids Songs | Rock 'N Learn

Old MacDonald Had a Farm | + More Kids Songs | Rock 'N Learn with tags old mcdonald, old mac donald had a farm, farm song, old mcdonald song, kids songs, songs for kids, toddler songs, songs for toddlers, baby songs, preschool songs, songs for preschool, kindergarten songs, songs for kindergarten, elementary school songs, camp songs, family sing along songs, songs for young people, youth camp songs, youth songs
Old MacDonald is one of the most popular songs for kids of all time. That's the classic that starts this collection of songs, and kids love singing along with them. Don't be surprised when you join in. Click a time below to jump to any song:
00:05 Old MacDonald
04:26 Tiny Tim
06:49 She'll be Coming Around the Mountain
09:56 Pop Goes the Weasel
12:42 Bingo
15:09 Farmer in the Dell
20:20 Wiggly Woo
22:50 Baby Narwhal
26:47 Wheels on the Bus
30:43 Where is Thumbkin?
32:57 Little Bunny Foo Foo
35:05 See You Later Alligator
38:41 Froggy Went a Courtin'