Number Song 1-10 | Counting by 1 to 10 | Surprise Eggs Kids Songs | Nursery Rhymes numbers


Number Song 1-10 | Counting by 1 to 10 | Surprise Eggs Kids Songs | Nursery Rhymes numbers with tags nursery rhymes, children songs, numbers song, nursery rhymes numbers, egg in number form, surprise eggs toys, learning numbers, learn to count 1 to 10, learn numbers with color balls, rhymes for children, songs for children, kid songs, meow meow, colors fun kids, chau mou, baby songs, 1 to 10

Number Song 1-10 | Counting by 1 to 10 | Surprise Eggs Kids Songs | Nursery Rhymes numbers with Meow Meow kitty

Learn Numbers with Color Balls

Chau Mou

Colors fun kids

Learn to count 1 to 50 with song. The song is designed to help with numeracy and recognition of numbers. This fun and colorful song is a great way for children and kids to learn to count.

Enjoy Eggs Surprise

What is the egg rhyme for kids?

What nursery rhyme has numbers?

One egg two eggs off we go. Picking up the eggs and put them in the basket, Three eggs, four eggs off we go. Seven eggs, eight eggs off we go.


Egg Surprise, Egg Surprise,

What's inside, let's see?

Egg Surprise, Egg Surprise,

Let's check it out.

Crack Crack Crack

Wow! Car.