Night at the Museum with Rascal Puppet | D Billions Kids Songs

Night at the Museum with Rascal Puppet | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, videos for kids, stories for kids, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, kid songs, cartoons for kids, night at the museum, db night at the museum, kids cartoons, kids stories, with puppets, puppets, puppet, puppet song, the puppet song, story for kids, stories for children, night at the museum with rascal puppet | d billions kids songs, night at the museum with rascal puppet
The rascal and his puppet partner break into the museum for stealing the largest diamond. But their extreme greed makes them fight each other. Who is gonna be smarter? Let's see!
I got you!
What you're gonna do?!
#DBillions #nightatthemuseum #puppet
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