New Friends | Yo Gabba Gabba | Full Episode | Season Two | Cartoons For Kids

New Friends | Yo Gabba Gabba | Full Episode | Season Two | Cartoons For Kids with tags abckidtv, baby songs, brobee, children songs, cocomelon, dj lance rock, elmo song, foofa, gabba, gabba gabba, kid songs, kids song, kids video songs, kids videos, learning, muno, party in my tummy, plex, sesame street songs, songs for babies, toddler songs, toodee, videos for babies, yo gabba episodes, yo gabba gabba, yo gabba gabba babies, yo gabba gabba dvd, yo gabba gabba episodes, yo gabba gabba full episodes, yo gabba gabba live, yo gabba gabba live show, yo gabba gabba movie
New Friends - Yo Gabba Gabba
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Jack Black arrives in Gabbaland riding a mini dirt bike. He's lost and scared, but soon makes friends with the Gabba gang and they help him find his way back home. Featured songs include: "Don't Get Lost," "Friend Song" and "Goodbye Song."
00:00 - Yo Gabba Gabba!
01:03 - It's Not Fun to Get Lost
04:52 - In a Safe Land - Tanya Haden & Petra Haden
06:31 - Dancey Dance - The Disco Roll
08:49 - New Friends
12:40 - DJ Lance Dance - The Find It
13:29 - Super Music Friend Show: You Can't Always Get What You Want - Yo Dazzlers
15:50 - Goodbye Song (feat. Jack Black)
19:10 - Knock-Knock Joke of the Day - Cargo
19:38 - Bye Bye
Warm welcome to our channel, where you can watch full episodes of Yo Gabba Gabba!
Let's say the magic words, "Yo Gabba Gabba!" and get ready for lots of fun, music and dancing! All of our friends are here… Brobee, Foofa, Muno, Plex and Toodee and the one and only, DJ Lance Rock!
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