My Boo Boo | The New Boo Boo Song | Baby Joy Joy | Songs about getting hurt and feelings


My Boo Boo | The New Boo Boo Song | Baby Joy Joy | Songs about getting hurt and feelings with tags baby joy joy, baby joy, joy, bjj, kids songs, childrens songs, nursery rhymes, learning, educational, educational songs, childrens music, kids music, songs for kids, lullaby songs, english songs for kids, my boo boo, the boo boo song

A boo can hurt really bad! Ask your parents and other people who care about you to help you!

My Boo Boo | The Boo Boo Song #2 | Baby Joy Joy


I don't think you care about my boo-boo

I don't think you care about my boo-boo

It's a really bad boo-boo, and it hurts so bad

It's a really bad boo-boo, and it makes me sad

I don't think you care about my boo-boo

I don't think you care about me, boo, hoo, hoo

Boo------------, hoo-------------


Let me take a look at your boo-boo

It looks really sore! What did you do

Boo boos can be scary and they hurt so bad

I can make it feel better; don't be sad!

You know that I care about your boo-boo

You know that you're so important, I love you!

I--------------, love--------------


My poor boo-boo, my boo-boo, my boo-boo feels better

Yes, my boo-boo, my boo-boo, my boo-boo feels better

We just washed it, we dried it, then we put a band-aid on it

It's not sore------ anymore! (VO: I thought a

ligament tore!)

I don't think you care about my boo-boo

I don't think you care about my boo-boo

It's a really bad boo-boo, and it hurts so bad

I can make it feel better; don't be sad!

You know that I care about your boo-boo

You know that you're so important, I love you!

I--------------, love--------------


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