Musical Chairs Song for Children (Official Video) by Miss Patty | Freeze Dance and more.


Musical Chairs Song for Children (Official Video) by Miss Patty | Freeze Dance and more. with tags musical chairs, the musical chairs song, the musical chair song, musical chair, kids playing musical chairs, musical chairs for kids, musical chairs game, musical chairs game for kids, miss patty, miss patty playlist, music chairs game, preschool song, preschool game, preschool activity, kindergarten game, freeze dance, freeze dance song, freeze dance song for kids

Musical Chairs Song and 35 minutes of action music for kids. All educational and fun.

Musical Chairs Development Goal

To develop strategic thinking, listening to directions and social comfort.

Before You Start

Equipment Needed: 7 Chairs (one chair less than the number of players participating) and music

Players are gathered in a circle around the chairs

Set Up

Arrange chairs in a circle with the seats facing outwards

How to Play

Play the music and have the players walk around the perimeter of the chair circle.

When the music stops, everyone must immediately sit in a chair.

The one person left standing it out.

Remove another chair and continue until only one person is left.


This is musical chairs

Go around and when the music stops, sit down

Round and round and round and round and round and round you go

Round and round and round and round where you stop we don't know.

Round and round and round and round and round and round you go

Round and round and round and round where you stop we don't know.

Stop, sit down

If you don't find a chair it's ok

Stop, look around

If you're not sitting down back away

Musical Chairs, musical chairs

Who will be the last one to stay?

Repeat 7 times

Go around and when the music stops, sit down

Round and round and round and round and round and round you go

Round and round and round and round where you stop we don't know.

Round and round and round and round and round and round you go

Round and round and round and round where you stop we don't know.

Stop, sit down

If you don't find a chair it's ok

Stop, look around

If you're not sitting down back away

Musical Chairs, musical chairs

You were the last one to stay, hooray!

You're the winner of musical chairs today!

#musicalchairs #musicalchairssong #kidsplayingmusicalchairs #misspatty #themusicalchairssong
