Multiplication Rap Original 1998 Version


Multiplication Rap Original 1998 Version with tags multiplication rap, rocknlearn, rock n learn, rock 'n learn, multiplication rap original, multiplication rap vhs, multiplication rap 90s, multiplication rap live action, multiplication rap real people, learn to multiply, learn multiplication, multiply by zero, multiply by one, x2, 2x, x3, 3x, x4, 4x, x5, 5x, x6, 6x, x7, 7x, x8, 8x, x9, 9x, x10, 10x, x11, 11x, x12, 12x

For our newest Multiplication Rap version with animated characters: if you are looking for Rock 'N Learn's original Multiplication Rap video, here it is. Maybe you learned your multiplication facts using it, and now you have kids of your own. Or, perhaps you just want a little trip down memory lane. (Or, Multiplication Blvd., laugh.) This was first released on VHS in 1998. We have had so many requests from our fans who want to see this original Rock 'N Learn Multiplication Rap video that millions of kids have used. For some, it brings some fond childhood memories of learning multiplication facts. We are pleased to offer it! This features Brad Caudle, one Rock 'N Learn's two original founders, still actively involved in creating Rock 'N Learn educational entertainment. An interesting side note: Brad has long hair, and when we first video-recorded this back in 1998 his hair was long and flowing. One school system expressed some concern about the role model it presented, so we tied his hair, put on the cap, and redid the video. Not sure if we still have that untamed long-hair version, but it would be fun if we did! Be sure to subscribe to this channel. More Rock 'N Learn classics coming soon!