Multiplication Country | Learn to Multiply 2s - 12s
Multiplication Country | Learn to Multiply 2s - 12s with tags multiplication song, multiplication country, multlipication, learn to multiply, bluegrass multiplication, multiplication
Learn to multiply facts 2 - 12 with songs that feature a traditional country and bluegrass sound. This was an audio and book program created by Rock 'N Learn in 1992. Many of the images are from the booklet that accompanied the program. Although the audio/book program is no longer produced, we offer it here!
00:00 Workinโ Really Hard (2x)
02:18 I Wanna Tell You (3x)
04:03 Windinโ Down the Road (4x)
06:30 Country Beat (5x)
08:29 Learninโ Multiplication (6x)
10:43 Doinโ Alright (7x)
12:59 Number Song (8x)
14:39 Multiplication Satisfaction (9x)
16:57 Zero at the End (10x)
18:51 Multiplication Highway (11x)
20:39 Dozens Song (12x)