Muffin Cha-Cha, Donut Boom-Boom & Cookie Chicky | D Billions Kids Songs

Muffin Cha-Cha, Donut Boom-Boom & Cookie Chicky | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, muffin cha-cha donut boom-boom & cookie chicky | d billions kids songs, muffin cha-cha donut boom-boom & cookie chicky, muffin cha-cha, donut boom-boom, cookie chicky, d billions cha cha, d billions cha cha boom boom, d billions chicky chicky, cookie, donut, muffin, donut song, muffin song, cookie song, for kids
There is a robot baker which can bake anything you like. So Cha-Cha loves muffins, Boom-Boom loves donuts, Chicky loves cookies and Rascal, you know, isn't quite sure for now. Get ready for the show because the bakery is going to give a dance!
Muffin, muffin Cha-Cha,
Dancing muffin Cha-Cha.
Donut, donut Boom-Boom,
Dancing donut Boom-Boom.
Cookie, cookie Chicky,
Dancing cookie Chicky.
#DBillions #muffinchacha #donutboomboom
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