Winter Fun with Cha-Cha, Chicky, Lya-Lya & Boom-Boom | D Billions Kids Songs


Winter Fun with Cha-Cha, Chicky, Lya-Lya & Boom-Boom | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, winter fun with cha-cha chicky lya-lya & boom-boom | d billions kids songs, winter fun with cha-cha chicky lya-lya & boom-boom, winter fun, winter, fun, cha-cha chicky lya-lya & boom-boom, winter friends, fun winter, winter songs, snow, snowman, snow song, snowball, d billions winter, d billions fun, for kids, videos for kids, kids cartoon, kids videos for kids, kids, baby songs


There is so much fun outside!

Lya-Lya, Cha-Cha & Chicky play snowballs, ride the slides,

make a snowman and slide on the ice.

They call Boom-Boom to join them,

but every time he gets distracted by something at home.

He finds some cool toys to play with,

he trains hard & of course, he gets hungry!

Long story short, he's got a lot of excuses to stay home for a few more minutes.

Hey, Boom-Boom, let's go to play,

Hey, Boom-Boom, hey, hey!

Hey, Boom-Boom, don't be late,

Hey, Boom-Boom, come out and play!

#DBillions #forkids #winter #fun

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