Mi Mi The Ant 🐜 The Little Tiny AntsㅣKids SongㅣBoogie Bugs Nursery Rhymes


Mi Mi The Ant 🐜 The Little Tiny AntsㅣKids SongㅣBoogie Bugs Nursery Rhymes with tags bichikids songs, bichikids, childrens, songs for babies, songs for children, kids songs, music for kids, nursery rhymes, kids videos, videos for kids, hindi children, kid's song, kids music, boogie bugs, boogie bugs songs, boogie, bugs, baby songs, preschool, childrens songs, nursery rhymes, gratitude, cartoons for kids, toddler learning, thank you, boogie, bluey, disney, nickjr, paw patrol, say thank you, daycare song, children's song, appreciation song, thanksgiving song

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#NurseryRhymes #BoogieBugs #BoogieBugsEnglish #ForKids #ChildrenMusic #KidsSong

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🐞 A universe full of cute little bugs, all very curious, happy and eager to have fun! In each episode the “Boogie Bugs” find themselves with new situations just like children do. They also go discovering little by little, and in fun ways: textures, fragrances, foods, sounds, music, dance and certainly, friendship. In this manner, they learn to interact with the world that surrounds them.