The Shark Band | Sing Along with Baby Shark | Pinkfong Songs for Children


The Shark Band | Sing Along with Baby Shark | Pinkfong Songs for Children with tags baby shark, police sharks, the shark band, hot clam buns, sharkey pokey, shark finger family, baby shark's birthday, do-re-mi sharks, shark orchestra concert, colors in the sea, shapes in the sea, sing along with baby shark, pinkfong

Subscribe and watch new videos uploaded every week. YouTube Channel: back with more fun and exciting Sing along with Baby Shark series!Come join Baby Shark and friends and sing along with him to more fun songs!You are watching The Shark Band, a super fun nursery rhymes for children created by Pinkfong!---- LyricsThe Shark BandI am a baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo! I can play Xylophone!Yes, I play the xylophone! Ding-dong-ding-dong, xylophone. Ding-dong-dang. Ding-dong-dang.Ding-dong-ding-dong, xylophone. Ding-dong-ding-dong-dang! I am a mommy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo!I can playPan flute!Yes, I play the pan flute!Tu-tu-tu-tu, pan flute. Tu-tu-tu. Tu-tu-tu.Tu-tu-tu-tu, pan flute. Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu! I am a daddy shark,doo doo doo doo doo doo!I can playConga!Yes, I play the conga!Boom-di-boom-di, conga.Boom-di-boom. Boom-di-boom.Boom-di-boom-di, conga.Boom-di-boom-di-boom!I am a grandma shark,doo doo doo doo doo doo!I can playMaracas!Yes, I play the maracas!Shake-shake-shake, maracas.Shake-shake-shake. Shake-shake-shake.Shake-shake-shake, maracas.Shake-shake-shake-shake-shake.I am a grandpa shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo!I can play Ukulele!Yes, I play the ukulele!Dinga-dinga, ukulele. Dinga-ding-dinga-ding.Dinga-dinga, ukulele. Dinga-dinga-ding!----Subscribe to Pinkfong's YouTube channel for hundreds of kids' favorite songs and stories, including phonics songs, nursery rhymes, bedtime lullabies, children's classics, fairy tales and more!Pinkfong! no. 1 kids' app chosen by 100 million children worldwide Best Kids Songs & Stories [Free Download]: educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by the experts in children's education.Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. Facebook: Website: 2017 Smart Study Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.#pinkfong #kid #kids #kidssongs #baby #babies #babiessongs #babyshark #phonics #smartstudy