Masha and the Bear 2023 🎶 Song of World’s Words 🌎 Songs for kids 🎵 Around the world in one day 🗺️

Masha and the Bear 2023 🎶 Song of World’s Words 🌎 Songs for kids 🎵 Around the world in one day 🗺️ with tags cartoon, masha and the bear, masha, bear, masha and bear, new episodes, funny cartoon, animation, kids cartoons, маша и медведь, masha and the bear english episodes, masha and the bear in english, marsha, marsha full movie bahasa indonesia, mawa kawa, cartoons for kids, funny videos, episode collection, masha and the bear 2023, masha and the bear new
🎶 Song of World’s Words 🌎
There are many languages and words
In diff’rent corners of the worlds,
But you can be a polyglot
By learning “please” and “thanks a lot”.
When you’re in Spain or Mexico
These words are really best to know.
Say “gracias” and “por favor”,
And they will open any door.
You’ll find yourself in harmony
With everyone in Germany.
Just memorize from early on
Both “bitte schon” and “danke schon”.
If you are traveling to France,
Then you should never miss a chance
To be polite and always say
“Merci beaucoup” and “s’il vous plait”.
In the US and UK too,
In Canada, Australia,
Put anyone you meet at ease
By saying “thanks a lot” and “please”.
“Pozhaluysta”, “spasibo”,
Great Russian words to know!
“Kudasai”, “arigato”,
Like the pretty flowers grow!
“Gracias” and “por favor”.
Always peace and never war!
“Please” and “thank you very much”.
Making friends who stay in touch!
These very magical of words
Will help you travel any roads
From South Seas up to North Sea!
There is so much of world to see!
Binge-Watch Party with Masha and the Bear! 📺🍿
Watch more on Netflix.
Masha and the Bear are heroes of Russian folklore, known to all Russian children. Just that in the series they are different and live in the modern world, which gave the creators from Animaccord Animation Studio the ability to bring new possibilities to their interactions. Series tell us about a unique relationship between two main characters. Masha is an exceedingly active little girl who can't sit still on one place and has to make everything a business of her own. The Bear is a big and hearty guy who loves comfort and quietness. After their first met the Bear is always in anticipation for another fun and wild adventure that Masha will surely pull him in.
Masha and The Bear.
#MashaandtheBear #cartoonforkids #cartoons #mashaandthebear2023