Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration for Kids. Kids Academy


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration for Kids. Kids Academy with tags kids academy, martin luther king jr, kids stories, stories for kids academy, educational videos for kids, martin luther king, civil rights, for kids, video for kids, civil rights movement for kids, civil rights act of 1964, story for kids, civil rights movement, stories for kids, moral stories for kids, rights for kids, social studies, social studies for kids, american history, mlk anniversary

Who was Martin Luther King and why is there a national holiday marking his birthday?

Watch our new video about this great man to find out how Martin Luther King Jr. changed American society forever. You will hear how he fought segregation – a law in the USA that didn’t allow people of different skin colors to study, travel or eat together.

Even though slavery had been abolished about a century before, some people found it natural to mistreat black people. So Martin Luther King started to fight this inequality with words and peaceful actions, and he succeeded!

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