Little Toy Truck and Forklift Play Football: Cars and Trucks for Kids

Little Toy Truck and Forklift Play Football: Cars and Trucks for Kids with tags cars, toys, toy cars, toy truck, trucks for kids, cars for kids, cars videos, cars videos for kids, trucks videos, leo the truck, lifty, cars and trucks, cars and trucks for kids, play, playing, football, kids games, car games, toy toys, kids videos, videos for kids, truck video for kids, trucks for kids videos, toy trucks for kids, kids toys, kids, for kids, for children
Let's play cars and trucks for kids in a new car video for kids and see how a little toy truck and forklift will play football. Leo the toy truck and his friend Lifty are going to play football on a playground. But Lifty is not so good at football. He misses the ball and it falls into the lake. How will Leo the truck and Liftyl get the ball out of the water? Let's see together! Find more kids' videos with cars and trucks for kids on our abc kids' channel. Play and learn with toy trucks and toy cars for children in our playlists.Build cars and trucks with Leo the Truck with Leo! Baby songs and nursery rhymes for kids cars and trucks for kids with doctor McWheelie car cartoons for kids! us on VK KidsFirstTV channel here