Learning To Ski! Kalia and Kyler’s First Time!


Learning To Ski! Kalia and Kyler’s First Time! with tags fun squad, the fun squad, learning, trying new things, klyer, kalia

The Fun Squad loves learning new things and inspiring curiosity! Today the whole family (mom, dad, Jack, Jazzy, Kade, Kalia and Kyler) all go to the slopes, but it’s Kyler and Kalia’s FIRST time ever! They did SO GOOD today! Mom and dad were so impressed. We love trying new things and spending time learning as a family. What’s something new you want to learn? We love trying new things!

We also had some WILD ADVENTURES last week when we pretended to mail ourselves. CHECK IT OUT ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Have you seen our newest music video? 🎶🦸🏼‍♂️

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