Learning at Home With Boogie Bugs Family Nursery Rhymes | Numbers, Shapes, Colors and More


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#NurseryRhymes #BoogieBugs #BoogieBugsEnglish #ForKids #ChildrenMusic #KidsSong


0:00 The Vowels

1:47 With The A A A

3:15 Ten in Bed

5:46 The Musical Notes

7:56 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

10:35 Head Shoulders Knees & Toes

12:29 Rain Rain, Go Away

14:28 Wheels on the bus

16:53 The Rain

19:39 Bath Song

22:02 Finding Friends Song

24:16 Let's go to the yard

26:51 The Little Ants March

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🐞 A universe full of cute little bugs, all very curious, happy and eager to have fun! In each episode the β€œBoogie Bugs” find themselves with new situations just like children do. They also go discovering little by little, and in fun ways: textures, fragrances, foods, sounds, music, dance and certainly, friendship. In this manner, they learn to interact with the world that surrounds them.