Learn construction vehicles for kids - A cement mixer at the sandpit.


Learn construction vehicles for kids - A cement mixer at the sandpit. with tags cars, trucks, street vehicles, construction vehicles, vehicles for kids, learn vehicles, learn colors, cement mixer, sandpit, toys, kids, children, construction vehicles for kids, learn construction vehicles, learn street vehicles, construction vehicles names, sandpit toys, sand, big trucks for kids, cars for kids, cars and trucks, videos for kids, cement mixer videos, cement mixer cartoon, play

Do you like to play with cars and trucks for kids, construction vehicles and street vehicles for kids? Come and watch a new video for kids about a cement mixer at the sandpit and learn about construction vehicles for children! Look, a little boy is playing with toy trucks for kids! And here is a big cement mixer! A toy cement mixer is driving to the sandpit. Let's see what real cement mixers look like. Do you know the parts cement mixer ? Let's find and name them all! We will also name their colors and learn colors for kids. Now, let's see how a cement mixer works at the sandpit for kids. Find more car videos for kids, trucks videos for kids and street vehicles cartoons in English on our kids' channel! Play and learn construction vehicle names with us!