Learn Colors with Om Nom - Educational Cartoon - Learn English for kids

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Learn colors with Om Nom on all the Episodes of Season 1. Watch Om Nom Stories on: Roku TV: https://bitly.su/RokuTV KiddZtube: https://bitly.su/KiddZtube Kidoodle Tv: https://bitly.su/KidoodleTV PRIME: https://bitly.su/Prime IFLIX: https://bitly.su/IFLIX HOOQ: https://bitly.su/HOOQ Toon Goggles: https://bitly.su/ToonGoggles PlayKids: https://bitly.su/PlayKids Tubi TV: https://bitly.su/TubiTV Battery POP: https://bitly.su/BatteryPOP Ameba: https://bitly.su/Ameba------------------------------------------------------Cut the Rope official site: http://www.cuttherope.netTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/omnomofficial/Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cut_The_RopeInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuttheropeo...TikTok: http://vm.tiktok.com/5FJa6j/ Become a supporter on Facebook to watch the new episodes before we release them on YouTube: https://www.facebook.com/cuttherope/#OmNom #Super-Noms #LearnColors